Lifesaver: A New Way To Learn CPR

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
m-Learning & Education


CPR is one of those things that we know we should all learn and pray that someone else knows how to perform when we ourselves require assistance.

Lifesaver is a crisis simulating app created for the UK Resuscitation Council with the goal of teaching basic CPR to users through interactivity, gamification, and live-action film. Lifesaver presents users with high-stress scenarios to test their speed and efficiency in administering CPR. The option to share these results on social platforms was added to the app to promote engagement among a younger audience.


Director - Martin Percy; Technical Director- Yates Buckley; Executive Producer - Piero Frescobaldi; Producer - Pietro Matteucci; Live Action Producer - Joseph Taussig; Project Manager: Jenny Lam; Tech Lead- Thomas Alisi