Mr. Nariman Hajiyev

Nariman Hajiyev is the Director of the joint project of UNDP and the Ministry of Communications of Azerbaijan, entitled “National E-Governance Network Initiative”. He has already provided his invaluable assistance while working over the National E-Government Contest. He is the member of a number of institutions, like “VITA” ICT Academy, and also is involved in a number of in-country ICT initiatives as an expert. Mr. Hajiyev has also been involved into the process of development of the first automated translation system from Azeri into a number of European languages. Also, at the moment, the working group of the project under his supervision is performing over the pilot “Info booth” project, which is targeted to enable all the citizens of the country to use the e-Gov applications through the specific info booths to be installed in all the regions of the country. Also he is performing the PhD and the topic is also dedicated to the