Agang K. Ditlhogo

Agang is passionate about education and is the co-founder of The Clicking Generation-ICT Academy for Kids and Teens; a start-up initiative that offers computing and technology curriculum to kids and teens. It offers ICT grass root level education to include under privileged children in rural areas.
Agang has also been part of the organizing committee for the Ministry of Transport and Communication Administrator of the Young Innovator social media sites with frequent updates. She has also the Student Representative for Microsoft Innovation Centre (MIC) mobilising MIC outreach programs for tertiary students and currently registered as a champion for the Google Developer Group, a platform for skilled and aspiring young developers to come up with computer programs and mobile development apps. Winner of the first Young Innovator Competition; chosen to represent Botswana Youth in ICT at the ITU World Conference in Dubai, UAE. Also Agang is a founding member and Secretary of Femina Association, an NGO dealing with the girl child development with annual conventions and programs for young girls including personal development, career, mentoring and entrepreneurship. Her work experience includes technical duties with the Department of Information Technology in UB. She was privileged to enrol in an internship program in Munich, Germany. Agang holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems from The University of Botswana and currently in final year for Masters in Science in the same field.