Mr. George Sharkov

George Sharkov is the Director of the ESI Center Eastern Europe – the regional excellence center of European Software Institute in Sofia. He graduated Mathematics and Computer Science at Sofia University, obtained PhD in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence), specialized in applied informatics and applied research in biophysics and genetics (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and University of Gent – Belgium). He is leading international teams and projects for software and information systems in the fields of banking and finances, online trading, e-business and e-commerce solutions, internet exchanges and B2B markets, interactive and cross media systems. Among the initiators of BASSCOM (Bulgarian Association of Software Companies) and Chairman. Founder and manager of ESI Center Bulgaria. Qualified instructor in SPI (Software Process Improvement), implementation of CMMI, accredited ITMark instructor and appraiser. Initiator and promoter of the international initiatives for ICT regional branding and competitiveness. One of the initiators of the ICT Cluster Bulgaria.