Mr. Kudzo Tay

Apart from his activities at the university and his engagement at the UNEP (United Nation Environment Program) as associate advisor, the main thrust of intervention's policies in advanced technologies of Mr. TAY Kudzo: GEOGRAPHIC AREA: WEST AFRICA, Côte d'Ivoire; Heightening public awareness through the organisation of the internet festival in Africa since 1997. Research and consulting by the creation of an IT observatory in West Africa, at French culture centre. Administrator of FR@NCONET network: multiplication of common access points with the support of: INTIF, Bordeaux France and the world Bank group. member of Internet Society, prize winner of the Belgium excellence centre of telecommunication (cetel), Member of global alliance for youth employment, Member of the Global Community Network, Author of many reports/ Communication/ Publications on the IT4D–IT for development Thematic.
His network is currently studying the coverage of rural zones in West Africa by wireless access technologies.